Doctor's Recommended
10,000+ Success Stories
Key Ingredients

Yastimadhu (Licorice)
Soothes throat irritation and reduces coughing.
Acts as an expectorant, helping to expel mucus from the respiratory tract.

Relieves cough by loosening and expelling phlegm.
Exhibits antimicrobial properties, helping to fight respiratory infections.

Helps to clear congestion in the respiratory tract.
Supports the body's natural immune response to respiratory issues.

Boosts the immune system, aiding in the prevention of respiratory infections.
Exhibits antioxidant properties, promoting overall respiratory health.

Kankoi (Adhatoda vasica)
Relieves cough and respiratory congestion.
Supports lung health and helps to improve breathing.

Relieves cough and promotes expectoration of mucus.
Supports respiratory health and helps to clear congestion.

Soonth (Dry Ginger)
Helps to soothe throat irritation and reduce coughing.
Exhibits antimicrobial properties, helping to fight respiratory infections.

Relieves cough and promotes expectoration of mucus.
Supports respiratory health and helps to clear congestion.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)
Acts as an expectorant, aiding in the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
Exhibits antimicrobial properties, helping to fight respiratory infections.

Haridra (Turmeric)
Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract.
Supports overall respiratory health and helps to alleviate coughing.
Know your product
- Key Features and Benefits:
- Composition:
- Dosage:
- Indications:
- Manufacturer Details:
- Protects Heart in Hypertension:
- Hi-Card is a unique combination of herbs and mineral compounds with cardio-protective, anti-oxidant, and rejuvenating properties. It naturally helps manage hypertension and supports heart health. - Blood Pressure Control with Natural Herbs:
- The natural herbs in Hi-Card contribute to blood pressure control, offering a holistic approach to cardiovascular well-being. - Cholesterol Control and Protection Against Angina:
- Hi-Card helps control cholesterol levels, protecting the heart against angina and ischemic attacks. - Anti-Oxidant Properties:
- Acts as an anti-oxidant to protect the heart against free radical damage, promoting overall cardiovascular health. - Stress Relief and Sound Sleep:
- Provides stress relief and ensures sound sleep, addressing stress-related factors that contribute to cardiovascular issues. - Cardio-Protective and Safe for Long-Term Use:
- Offers cardiovascular protection and safety for long-term use, making it suitable for prolonged management.
Arjun Extract | (Terminalia arjuna) | 100 mg |
Sarpagandha Extract | (Rawalfia serpintina) | 100 mg |
Punarnava Extract | (Boerhavia diffusa) | 75 mg |
Mukta sukti | (Generic preparation) | 50 mg |
Praval bhasma | (Generic preparation) | 50 mg |
Amla Extract | (Emblica officinalis) | 25 mg |
Sariva Extract | (Hemidismus indicus) | 25 mg |
Akik Bhasma | (Generic preparation) | 25 mg |
- Hypertension
- High Cholesterol Levels in Blood
- Stress
- Angina as a Cardiac Tonic
Abhinav Healthcare Products Pvt Ltd
Survey No.298A, Village:Nehroli, Taluka:Wada,
Dist:Palghar, State:Maharashtra, Pin-421321
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