Fungal infection or mycosis is a typical skin problem faced by people. The cause of it is a fungus. Some common symptoms of fungal infection are itching, redness, bumps, rashes, blisters, scaly skin, irritation, swelling, etc. Some fungi live naturally in the human body otherwise they live in the air, water, plants, and soil. Reinfection is another concern related to fungal infection. Sometimes a fungal infection can be contagious causing it to spread from one person to another. If not treated early fungal infection can go beyond your skin and injure your body organs. There are different types of fungal infections, for example, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, jock itch, ringworm, infection in the nail also known as onychomycosis, and opportunistic infections caused due to weak immune systems.
Remedies for Fungal Infection
- Soap and Water: To stop the infection from spreading always wash the affected area with soap and water before applying anything on it.
- Tea Tree Oil: Along with coconut or olive oil, tea tree oil can be used as a remedy. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties can help.
- Probiotics: Food items like yogurt and fermented food that have probiotic properties can be used. Probiotic supplements can also be taken.
- Turmeric: It can be taken with tea or warm water. For application on the infected area, it can be mixed with water. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of turmeric cure fungal infections.
- Neem Leaves: If neem is boiled in water and that water is applied to the skin it can help reduce fungal infection.
- Vitamin C Rich Food: Vitamin C is responsible for the immunity of our body. Taking it in any form like food or medicine can treat fungal infection.
- Aloe Vera: It calms and cures damaged skin which is good for fungal infection.
- Oregano Oil: It can be directly applied to the skin or taken orally as well.
- Garlic: Both eating garlic and applying it to the skin with oil can be beneficial for fungal infections.
- Baking Soda: It can be used to soak sweat and to keep your feet dry. It also stops the infection from spreading.
- Ginger: It has gingerol that has antifungal properties. Ginger tea is a good supplement against fungal infection.
- Hydrogen Peroxide: Sometimes it kills some fungi. It can be used with water.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: It has antifungal properties. It can be both taken orally and applied directly to the skin.
- Hygiene: Keep yourself and your clothes clean and dry. This can prevent fungal infection to a great extent.
- Antifungal Medication: After consulting a doctor you can also take the help of antifungal ointments or medicines according to your prescription. Fungon from Anhinavayu is an easy and effective solution for fungal infection.
Why Fungon?
It is a natural antifungal cream that can treat various types of fungal infections. It has anti-oxidant properties that heal skin cells. It nourishes the skin and prevents it from getting dry like a moisturizer. Ingredients in it like Shuddha Gandhak are antiallergic and promote natural skin health; neem and yashtimadhu stop the mycelial growth of the fungi; aloe vera prevents itching and redness; jati and chakramarda oil normalize skin cells faster with their anti-oxidant properties.
Are you looking for a solution that can treat fungal infections? Fungon is the right cure for your problem. You can both read more about it and buy it from the website of Abhinavayu. The link to the website is https://www.abhinavayu.com/. You can call us at 022 2634 7701 or mail us at [email protected]. We will be waiting for you.
Key Takeaways
- The medicinal properties of natural ingredients like tea tree oil, yogurt, turmeric, neem leaves, oregano oil, aloe vera, garlic, and ginger can help cure fungal infections. They can be applied directly to the skin and in some cases, they can be taken orally as well.
- Other than that soap and water, probiotics, vitamin c rich food, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and apple cider vinegar can also be used as remedies.
- Antifungal medications like Fungon by Abhnivayu can also be used.
- Maintaining hygiene is also a necessary part of the cure.
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